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Little Big Pre-School Virtual Open House
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Learning How To Learn
Making connections between topics and concepts
Building strong foundations that enable them to apply what they learn in exams
Getting them to think critically and creatively through an understanding of how their brains work
Developing their Champion Mindset to regain confidence, boost self-esteem and become more resilient

Online Webinars
What is the teacher child ratio?The child-teacher ratio depends on the age cohort of the class. At Little Big, we follow the ECDA recommendation and guideline. That being said, we always strive to provide a healthier ratio so as to cater to the individual strengths and interests of children in our care. Kindly refer to ECDA ratio guideline: Playgroup - 1:8 Pre-Nursery - 1:12 Nursery - 1:15 Kindergarten One - 1:20 Kindergarten Two - 1:25
How do the parents communicate with the teachers?We believe communication is important and should be clear. Parents and teachers communicate regularly and effectively via the app called Little Family Room. Through this app, parents will be notified on their children’s learning journey, apply leave of absence, send and receive messages to the class teachers, admin and Principal. We do make phone calls and where possible, face to face communication. You are welcome to make a mutually acceptable time to meet with the Principal or your child’s teacher to discuss any matter relating to your child.
Will my child nap in school?As part of the curriculum, children enrolled for the full day program will be offered a sleep. However, those in Kindergarten 1 and above may choose to rest in their cots for 45 mins and then have some quiet activities such as solving puzzles.
Is there outdoor play?As we agree with the environment being our third teacher, learning is influenced by nature and the natural world. We are fortunate to have access to our own spaces - backyard (with a slide and climbing frame) and car park area where the children can ride bikes, build with the foam blocks and climb on the frame for example. We also have flexible outdoor space where children can access sand, water play and other wonderful sensory activities. Learning spaces are flexible and we make full use of our outdoor space and know its advantages in supporting our children's well-being.
What meals are available?We serve children breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea to ensure good nutrition and ready for their best learning. There are 2 types of meals: Non-vegetarian (consists of chicken, fish, egg and vegetables) and Vegetarian (consists of protein-rich vegetarian sources and eggs) The menu is developed in consultation with our appointed vendor - Choo Catering which offers a variety on a weekly basis to encourage children to try new and different types of food. The menu is shared with the school community via the Little Family Room app termly.
Register for Our Virtual Open House
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